• legofiedu@gmail.com
  • Andheri, Mumbai
  • +(91) 98208 53150

Fast Track Python

Mode: 2-month course with project

Duration: 2 Months

Next Batch: Oct. 1, 2024

Category: Development

Course Description

After completing this program, the student will be able to code complete modules as well as applications. We will be developing some of these applications in class as well as part of the assignments.

During the course we learn all the concepts starting with writing basic programs to calculate to using complex libraries such as Numpy, Beautiful Soup, Pandas and more. We will also learn some of the feature of the language that make it a versatile platform. Along the way, we learn important programming concepts such as modeling, inheritance, functional programming, code optimization techniques , modular testing and much more. We will also learn how to deploy programs and application on cloud servers and touch upon configuring web-servers for python. 

After completing this program, the student will be able to code complete modules as well as applications. We will be developing these applications in class as well as part of the assignments.

Next Batch (Oct. 1, 2024)

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Setting up the environment

Setup the Editor

Hello Date Introduction

OOPs concepts

Variables and Collections

Assignment 1 review

Variable operators



Collection Operators

Loop and Conditionals

Assignment 2 review

For Loops

While Loops


if..elif.else Statements


Assignment 3 review

Python Module - Write a complete script


Functions - Types of Paramaters

Recurring Functions

Advanced Functions

Assignment 4 review

Anonymous Functions

Sorting functions

Introduction to main project

Data Types

Assignment 5 review

Converting between datatypes

String Fomating

Date Formatting

Process User Input

File Processing

Assignment 6 review

File Processing


CSV Reader and Writer

Database Connectivity

Assignment 7 review

Database Connectivity

Integrate DB into main project

Handling Exceptions

Assignment 8 review


Fixing programming Errors

Errors and Exceptions



Assignment 10 review


How to perform data Analysis 1


Assignment 9 review


Setup environment

How to perform data Analysis 2

Integrate Analytics into main project

UseFul Concepts

Python Libraries

API integration using 'requests'

Web Scrapping

Visual Analytics uisng Bokeh

Intro to Machine Learning Apps

GUI using Tkinter

Summary of the program

Sections 12

Total Time 299.0 minutes


Rupesh Saini

I have more than 20 years experience in design , development and deployment of IT systems. My students have gone to have fulfilling careers in the IT industry.

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