• legofiedu (@) gmail.com
  • Andheri, Mumbai
  • +91-9820853150


About me

Have More than 20 years experience in design , development and deployment of IT systems.

Worked in companies ranging from MNCs to small startups.  Experience includes both product as well as Service based companies. Currently focusing on developing multi-tenant applications for our clients in finance, publications and service industry. Have done extensive research in comparing the different platforms and tools available for creating applications such ERP Systems, CRM systems, E-commerce systems and many such automation platforms. 

All the courses are the result of an endeavour to create the fastest learning curve for the students and have tried to include as much knowledge as possible from the respective platforms. Have also trained people with varied experience and roles in platforms ranging from Asp.net, C++, Flutter and Python based platforms such as Django and Django Rest Framework(DRF). Students have gone to have fulfilling careers in the IT industry.